Sunday, April 24, 2016

Top 13 Toxic trees to Horses


 Toxic plants & Trees and your horse


Thankfully, horses usually avoid toxic plants. After all, most poisonous plants are distasteful. Horses are also much larger than dogs, cats, and humans. So where a nibble of some plants may instantly poison you or your other pets, horses have a little leeway. In other words, your horse would have to consume a significant amount of certain less toxic plants to feel any effects.  Although it may not consume large quantities at any given time, the build-up from months of consumption can make the animal sick or may even be fatal.
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Friday, April 15, 2016

5 Great steps to Building a Dog House

INTRO:    Dogs are pack animals and YOU are their pack.  Dogs prefer to be with their packs, inside your home with you.  That will help keep them happy and feeling safe.  However, it’s nice to have a dog house in your yard when you are away during the day and the dog is outside.

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